How to Manage Your Baby’s Teething Rash

How to Manage Your Baby’s Teething Rash

Teething is difficult enough, but teething rash, or drool rash, only adds to the stress and pain for babies and parents. When your little angel gets their teeth, it seems every part of their mouth has to suffer.

Luckily, there are plenty of helpful steps you can take as a parent to help ease your baby’s discomfort and keep them smiling.

Scroll down for a closer look at teething rash and how to manage your baby’s case.

What is a teething rash?

Babies between six and 24 months are prone to a teething rash. It appears as a red patch of skin on your baby’s mouth, cheeks, neck, or chest. It’s a natural reaction to the excess drool, bits of food, and wetness that cling to the skin as a baby’s teeth grow in and cause pain, swelling, and discomfort.

Teeth are only one cause of a light red rash on a baby’s face, neck or chest. A pacifier, natural drool, even a favorite blankie can add to the problem. The skin may be chapped and you might see the irritation come and go fairly quickly.

If you aren’t sure whether or not your baby is already teething, keep an eye on your child to see if they chew on their toys, drool excessively, or fuss and cry more often. All of these are signs that your child is in pain from the new teeth.

How to manage your baby's pain

One of the best things you can do to help calm your baby’s skin is to keep it dry and clean. Any moisture or spilled food will only add to your child’s discomfort. Use a soft, clean cloth to wipe away drool or any spills right away.

Switch to a soap for sensitive skin during your baby’s teething months to avoid irritating the skin further. You can also add a soothing balm to the skin but check with your pediatrician first to make sure it doesn’t contain any harmful chemicals.

Bring changes of clothing with you when you’re out so you can swap out any drool-stained clothing for fresh, dry pieces. Also be sure that any time you touch your baby’s rash you don’t scrub or wash with any force - gentle strokes only.


There’s no real treatment for teething rash, rather products that help manage it. An emollient around your baby’s mouth can help immensely before you go outside and at bed time to help manage pain. A set of soft bibs to help wipe away any food or drool can also be a lifesaver.

Be wary of anyone who offers to sell you a cure for teething rash or excessive drooling. That drool is full of antibacterial properties, particularly if you’re still breastfeeding. The combination of the two are wonderful for your baby’s immune system.

Most cases of teething rash clear up over time. However, some cases require medical help.

When to see a doctor

Certain symptoms indicate that your baby’s rash is severe or another illness posing as a common rash.

Call a doctor immediately if you see:

  • Flat, red, pinpoint dots that turn white with pressure
  • A sudden flare up for no clear reason
  • Cracked skin
  • Blood
  • A rash weeping fluid
  • A high fever, particularly for babies under six months of age

Even if you don’t see signs of teeth or a rash, your doctor should check your child’s mouth and gums during any wellness visits to the pediatrician.

Contact us today

Does your little one have some new teeth in need of a dentist? Contact us today and set up appointments for the whole family at Smile Centre. We love to work with patients of all ages and help everyone you love have a beautiful smile.